
Showing posts from April, 2018

Old Printing techniques

This machine is showing the old analogue way of creating print the same as it would have been created before computer aided printing techniques. The effects are slightly different to the effects created via a computer, it is only slight, however still different. It is these different qualities depending on  whether it is a digital process or more traditional that evokes interest in my way of thinking and how one can create interest in this way by using  Printing Techniques Old Fashioned Traditional Printing Technique. Vintage printer using metal text lettering .I have spent an afternoon in the print room after chasing a lot of other needs with various academic tutors in order to start collecting and collating visual information past and present. I have booked a super intense scanner which can scan A2 and also scan transparencies which are old format colour negatives, these were used when I was running a fashion company selling soft accessories to small independents s...

Research and Illustration

Research Resources Book wise-A great secondhand book shop clearly sectioned just like a library. I have spent many years collecting resource books for my designing and have spent my time browsing local markets and second hand charity book stores. Luckily for me I have a little town near me called Southwell it has a little market which has a book stall and a book shop which has a lot of donations of second hand books arriving daily. I have taken to buying little vintage books on nature and foliage which I find really inspiring. The nature of holding an old vintage book gives me a sense of nostalgic references that I am wishing to embellish onto my design work Books purchased for illustration and theory. The large Zinc white gouche I have been adding to my Windsor and Newton paint palate to get the chalky dusty rustic vintage colour ways within my work. While I have been printing, whether it is lino print or a screen print I have been creating my own palate and keeping my i...

Storyboard Concepts

Storyboards The following images are storyboard development ideas to create a number of storyboards to link to specific design developments. While creating designs and also considering which direction to go with in regard to my project brief I have been sources and references images  William Morris Illustration. William Morris Wall paper and fabric by William Morris William Morris Tile                       William Morris was born in the 19th century(24 March 1834-3 October 1896) and was the founder of the Arts and Crafts movement and was deemed an aesthete by many. He was also linked to the pre-Raphaelite painters including William Holman-Hunt, Ford Maddox Brown and many more.He was friends with Edward Burn Jones Dante Gabriel Rossetti and while he was working as an architect, after graduating from Exeter College he gave up to paint and design. He was an English designer, craft person,textile designer,poet and social...

Natures :Evolution, Natures Armor and Pattern-ation.

Natures Armor is a blog showing the work and philosophy. Showing a history of design work over my career and including a new body of work for my MA Degree. I am currently researching ways in which to add Natures evolution and patter- nation into a print project I am currently perusing at Lincoln University, Lincoln England. It's an interesting subject especially since the series Blue Planet has been running and my special friend David Attenbourgh who has been a great influence on my life from my early years. I have decided to pay homage to him and also to the world at large and even the Universe. Eco conscious values are key to the future of Fashion and textiles we all want to save our planet from unnecessary wanton destruction. I will be sharing my thoughts with you on this sub ject.  Natures: Evolution Armor and Patter-nation   While considering a new professional working practice within Art and Design parameters I have always considered print making an exciting and interest...