The Science Bit

                                  Life Style Choices :Traditionalist Design 

In the next coming months I am going to be looking at and developing making my own inks for screen printing. In order to reduce the emission count of product developments I design and also to enrich the availability of organic inks and dyes. 

The life cycle assessment from raw material to product distribution sale and end placement is necessary to evaluate in order to assess how the future of our planet can be protected. A sustainable way of living to reduce emissions is possible, the technology is available. We all have a responsibility to live responsibly and take action to reduce our own individual carbon footprint. Becoming a strong force in numbers within our own actions to stabilize our planet emissions to control climate change.
A coastal image taken on the Balearic Islands.2017.While relaxing on holiday I noticed the rich hues and pastels of natural forna.
                           Rekindle Traditional Processes.

Traditional processes link to non chemical processes with a lower carbon emission than industrial chemical process production. Visual traditional design can link to low carbon emissions through longevity using natural resources that have a longer life span. Adding to much modernity can reduce a product life cycle.
Making comparisons to times gone by and the yearning to return to a more idyllic life style  choice. Is something many of us wish for and appreciate.
Reflecting back towards the past visually encourages a knowledge of how our natural world used to be like,understanding were our planets wildlife heritage has started from and developed can give us insight to were we have arrived at today.

Exploring our surroundings and finding historical methods that have slowly been eradicated through commercial developments,advertising and a faster pace of life were money passing hands instead of swapping local produce and sharing has changed our society make up. 
